frequently asked questions

How can instructors save students money on course materials?

  1. Find an Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook related to your course. These are free, high quality (created by experts), and can be customized to meet your needs. Here’s an example of an OER Directory – OER Commons: https://www.oercommons.org/
  2. Choose a multi-user library-licensed E-book. These are free for UF students, faculty and staff. These are e-books that allow multiple students to read the books at the same time, as well as print and download portions of the text. Try searching some of our major E-book platforms:
    • eBooks on EBSCOhost E-books from a variety of disciplines and publishers on the EBSCOhost platform
    • ProQuest Ebook Central E-books from all disciplines. Users will be asked to authenticate with their Gatorlink ID
  3. Request textbooks or course readings be placed on course reserves via the Libraries’ online course reserve system (ARES). Material not already owned can be purchased by the Libraries.
  4. Consider creating a custom course reader to avoid requiring the purchase of multiple textbooks.
  5. Communicate with your students before the semester starts, so they can find the best deals on textbooks or cost-free alternatives through the Libraries.

How can students save money on course materials?

  1. Check to see if your books and other course materials are on Course Reserves (ARES) at the Libraries. Login with your GatorLink account and search by the course number, instructor’s name or by department name.
  2. Double check to see if your book is in the Libraries’ collection through a search of the Library Catalog.
  3. Check to see if your courses have a UF All Access option.